Our Team is helping our community daily!

Bellarine Community Health (BCH) is a registered Home Care Package provider delivering in-home support to community members on the Bellarine Peninsula and surrounding areas. Our aim at BCH is to help you stay in your own home and stay connected to your family and community.

You can call our team on 1800 007 224 (option 1) or email [email protected]

Home Care Packages

The Home Care Packages program supports older people with a range of care needs to live independently in their own home. Through a coordinated mix of services, a Home Care Package seeks to achieve individual goals and helps maintain a person’s independence at home. This can include both in-home aged care services and supports to help people stay connected with their community.

A coordinated mix of services are available and may include:

  • help with household tasks
  • equipment (such as walking frames)
  • minor home modifications
  • personal care
  • clinical care such as nursing, allied health and physiotherapy services

Being eligible for a Home Care Package means that the government will subsidise the cost of your care. This makes the help you need much more affordable.

What is involved

We provide a personalised service that supports your choices, and offers flexibility and control over the design of your Home Care Package.

Our Home Care Package Case Managers are tertiary qualified health professionals with extensive experience working with older people including people with dementia. See below some of the services available.

Health Services

  • Nursing
  • Rehabilitative support
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Speech Pathology
  • Podiatry
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Medication Support/Webster Pack


  • Equipment for mobility and dexterity
  • Walkers, Wheelchairs
  • OT Prescribed Equipment
  • Rails and ramps
  • Bathroom Aides


  • Arranging social activities and providing or co-ordinating transport to social functions, entertainment activities and other out of home services
  • Access to Social Support Groups and activities
  • Home Respite

Home & Garden

  • Home care
  • Gardening
  • Basic home maintenance


  • Meal preparation assistance
  • Grocery shopping support
  • Delivered Meals
  • Referral to Dietitian


  • Everyday transport to medical appointments
  • Transport for shopping or attend social activities

Personal Care

  • Grooming and dressing support
  • Showering and bathing support
  • Continence nurse support
  • Therapeutic garment support
  • Continence aides funding


  • Form-filling assistance
  • Telephone assistance
  • Companionship support
  • Assist organising appointments
  • Support for care recipients with cognitive impairment


  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Case Management
  • Counselling
  • Alterantive Therapies
  • Exercise Groups
  • Access to Interpreters
  • Health Advocacy

To receive a Home Care Package, you will firstly need to register with My Aged Care.

You will then be referred for a face-to-face assessment to find out whether you are eligible. If eligible and once a home care package becomes available, you will receive a letter from My Aged Care to let you know you have been assigned a package. The letter will set out the level of home care package that has been assigned to you and include a unique referral code. Packages are allocated fairly through the national priority system, based only on date of approval and priority for care.

There are four Home Care Package levels:

  • Level 1 – supports people with basic care needs
  • Level 2 – supports people with low-level care needs
  • Level 3 – supports people with intermediate care needs
  • Level 4 – supports people with high-level care needs

Each level of home care package provides a different subsidy amount, determined and paid by the Federal government. This amount is paid to an approved home care provider which you select. The subsidy contributes to the total cost of delivering care to meet your individual needs. It is also expected by the government that you will contribute to the cost of your care where your personal circumstances allow.

If you are not eligible for a Home Care Package, you may still be eligible for services under the Commonwealth Home Support Program, or you can access services privately.

Service Offered

  • In-home
  • Centre


Fee Level Package Management 15 % Case Management 18%
Level 1 $4.35 $5.22
Level 2 $7.65 $9.18
Level 3 $16.66 $19.99
Level 4 $25.25 $30.30

You can download the BCH Home Care Packages service fee schedule HERE.

Next Steps

To find out if you are eligible for a Home Care Package you will need to contact My Aged Care on 1800 200 422, alternatively, you can speak to your GP who can refer you directly for an Aged Care Assessment.

Once registered, you will have a face-to-face assessment in the comfort of your own home to assess your needs. This will determine if you’re eligible for government-funded services – and if so, which ones you’re eligible for.

Whilst waiting for a Home Care Package to be allocated, many clients choose to begin with private self-funded care, which BCH can provide.

At Bellarine Community Health we are always available to help you navigate the aged care system – we are only a telephone call away – call us on 1800 007 224 (option 1)  or email [email protected]