BCH launches 2022- 2025 Strategic Plan

Board Chair Fay Agterhuis and CEO Garry Ellis have presented the 2022 – 2025 Strategic Plan to BCH members, partners, community groups, staff, and volunteers.

During two online forums the pair were able to discuss the extensive engagement process that helped develop the plan and outline how the BCH Purpose Statement and Guiding Principles will inform decision making, strategic priorities and operational process throughout the life of the plan.

“While we cannot do all things for all people, our aim is to provide as much as we can to as many as we can. We can do this through careful strategic and financial management,” said Board Chair Fay Agterhuis.

“There has been a large population growth and changes to the health and social needs across the Bellarine over recent years. We are committed to respond to these changes, and the challenges they present.”

The plan acknowledges there is a growing and reasonable expectation from staff of the need for flexible/changing work arrangements, and BCH has already implemented a policy that allows for this flexibility.

Climate change and impacts on community health such as food security, air quality, extreme weather conditions are becoming issues to be addressed in all planning and BCH will embed environmental sustainability in its practices. A Board Sub-Committee has been created to examine these areas.

The plan also notes the growing need for digital services (telehealth) along with growth in the availability of systems that can assist, and our IT provider is invaluable in providing advice in these years.

BCH needs to adapt to community expectations and recognises the likelihood of competition in the areas in which we operate, and we are constantly monitoring that environment.

The development of the Strategic Plan has been a truly collaborative process and it is hoped that together with supporting operational plans, it will provide a solid focus and accountability for BCH over the coming three years.

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